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ston (stōn) n. 1 : a personal reusable hydrating device capable of maintaining a specified and constant humidity level (65-70%) for weeks! 2 : a collectible of the refined smoker 3 : a way to get your brand noticed!

We've got FRESH in the bag!

…or box, or jar, or wherever you keep your fine smoke-ables!

Always keep your products in the bag you bought them in? Or in a small container? Now you can keep them as fresh as the day you bought ‘em! Simply squeeze water into a STON and drop it in wherever you keep your smokables, and its Super Absorbent Polymer beads will give back humidity at a controlled rate for weeks and weeks – and it’s completely reusable!

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STON Do's & Don'ts

  • Squeeze it in water and let sit for a couple of minutes (to allow the polymer beads to absorb the water in the chamber.)
    Use purified water to extend the life of your STŌN.
  • Discontinue use (discard) if you notice beads darken in color. (Get a new one, something got in there.)
  • Check it every 2-3 weeks or so to see that the beads are full and it’s doing its job. (You’ll learn how it works best in your climate.)
  • Let it go completely dry every once in a while. (Shake, rattle, and roll.)
  • Keep it clean. You can’t wash it.
  • Leave STŌN immersed in water. (It’s engineered to work best for filling, absorbing, and humidity-release time by filling with a squeeze or two. Yes, you may be able to blow it apart if you try hard enough – the beads are powerful.)
  • Leave STŌN around little kids; it looks like candy and is a choking hazard.
  • Wash with clothes. Discard. (Get a new one.)

Contact Us

RapidPro Manufacturing | Longmont, Colorado

ph: 970-535-0550 | email: